General – FAQ

Atode App

Frequently asked questions about the app.

What is the Atode app?

Atode lets you bookmark and save news, blog or other website articles for reading later. It doesn’t simply save links to those pages you want to return to, it also downloads their content and converts it to a minimal format.

Read anything you saved later with just the essential text and images, without any headers, ads or clutter to get in the way.

Refer to the Get Started Guide for more information about the reader app.

How does Atode compare to other Read It Later apps?

Atode is intended as an alternative to other read-it-later apps such as Pocket or Instapaper. While similar in its functionalities, it however differs in many ways.

Atode is focused on bookmarking text based content. It can capture news, blog or other articles with no hassle and stores your articles in your personal iCloud account. The reader’s design is carefully crafted for such articles and offers custom styles for better readability and distraction-free reading.

Atode does not collect or sell any personal information and won’t try to promote you paid articles you don’t want to read. It is the only private read it later app (as in it doesn’t rely on advertising and user data) and it keeps your data safe.

  Atode Pocket Instapaper
Text Supported Supported Supported
Videos Not Supported Supported Supported
Storage Apple iCloud Proprietary Server Proprietary Server
Advertisement Ad-Free Ads, Sponsored Content Ad-Free

Do I need to signup for an account?

No, like with Photos, Books or other Apple apps, you do not need to signup or login. Your personal iCloud account from that device is used. But you will need to be signed in on your device with the same Apple ID on all platforms.

All articles and annotations are stored securely in a private database in your iCloud account. Storage limits apply and depend on your corresponding plan.

Which platforms are supported?

Atode is available for iPhone, iPad and Mac. Please note that you need to be signed in on your device with the same Apple ID on all platforms.

  iOS iPadOS macOS
Device iPhone iPad Mac (Apple silicon)
Operating System iOS 16+ iPadOS 16+ macOS 13+ (Ventura)

Where can I download the app?

The app is published on Apple’s App Stores. You can download it for free.

App Store:

What is the Bookmark Extension?

The Atode app comes bundled with a share extension, which integrates with any other iOS app. Save articles directly from e.g. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Twitter, Medium or Reeder by using the bookmark extension. As an alternative, you can also use the native Safari extension.

See the Bookmark Extension Guide for how to enable and use the extensions.

Which apps does the extension support?

The bookmark extension integrates with any browser or app that supports sharing either a web page or link. Below is a non-exhaustive list of such apps.

Share Page Safari, In-App Browser
Share Link Chrome, Firefox, Brave Browser, Medium, Reeder, Flipboard, Feedly, Newsify, News360, News Republic, The New York Times, CNN, BBC News

What is the Atode Widget?

The Atode app includes widgets to quickly view and open your latest, unread, favorite or random articles.

Refer to the Widgets Guide for how to enable and use the widget.

What is included in a Premium subscription?

Atode is free to use and includes all basic features. Every setting, theme or preference is available and lets you try out the unrestricted reader. However, there is a limit to the number of bookmarks you can save per month.

A premium subscription offers additional or unlimited bookmarks per month.

Atode Plus Increased bookmark limit
Atode Pro Unlimited number of bookmarks

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